Internet marketing guru Stephen Pearce tweeted a suggestion this morning for an awesome use of Pingler (remember, we suggested that this morning? We got it from Stephen). Here’s another gem from Stephen Pearce, who has 12,5239 Twitter followers and has been a successful Internet marketer since the very early days. He knows his stuff.
Stephen suggests tweeting your important links such as
* YouTube videos
* Articles
* Blogs
* Social media profiles (including your Twitter bio)
* Landing pages
Essentially, anything you can promote you should Twitter it. Make sure you use hard links, not tinyurls (this is very important for search engine optimization and link bulding reasons). Then, ping your Twitter stream. PING! Ping it, man. Stephen says to do it every day.
Why? Because Twitter will then become a link directory for your own links that sits on the ping lists of other websites where those links can gain some link juice and provide you with back links. Awesome suggestion.
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