September 19, 2009
September 18, 2009
25 Deadly Mistakes of Bloggers who Wish to Earn Money Online (Part 1)
Blog Mistakes 01 Jomar pdf
July 28, 2009
Creating Your Own Blog Using Wordpress

July 27, 2009
June 21, 2009
Simple And Successful SEO Strategies - On Page Optimization
Keyword Research
Before you begin penning content and writing title and meta tags you first need to research the keywords you will use on each of your pages. Using the wrong keywords can negatively impact your entire campaign, causing you to lose untold hours and days of work and eventually forcing you to concede that you made the wrong decision and start all over again.
The most appropriate and most beneficial keywords are popular enough that they will enjoy regular searches but without being prohibitively competitive or overly generic. A number of keyword research tools exist and your competitors' websites are a good place to start your early research. Ensure keywords are targeted specifically to the type of content you will provide as well as the service or product you will be selling. More targeted keywords will result in more targeted visitors and targeted visitors mean greater conversion rates and an improved return on your efforts.
Niche And Semantically Related Keywords
A good strategy is to incorporate a reasonable list of competitive keywords with less competitive ones. The more niche keywords will serve you well during the early days of your website and over time you should be able to start competing for the more challenging of the keywords you use. Also incorporate semantically or topically related keywords into your keyword list because the search engines are placing more and more emphasis on those pages that use related keywords as well as primary keywords.
Accessibility And Standards
Site accessibility is an integral part of good website design but it should also be considered an important factor in any SEO strategy. Using standards based code for your website will help to ensure that anybody that wishes to access and view your website will be able to do so. It will also mean that the spiders used by search engines will be able to access and index your pages effectively ensuring that you get the full credit for your site.
Navigation And Intra-Linking
Your navigation menu and internal links should be prominently placed, easy to see, and easy to follow for the spiders. It is good practice to include a text link from the home page to a compliant sitemap on your site, alleviating any potential problems that might arise from broken links or the use of graphical or flash based navigation menus. You can also consider adding links into the main body of your content, although too many will make the page difficult to read and therefore diminish the overall effectiveness so don't get too carried away.
Title And Meta Tags
While search engines do not specifically use the meta tags to help assess the value of a page like they once did, meta tags are still critical to good SEO performance. The title and description tags that you add at the top of a page are used in various ways including in the compiling and display of Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). This is the first thing a potential site visitor will see from your site so this mini listing needs to be as effective as any paid advert or PPC ad. Poorly written titles and descriptions can put many readers off viewing your pages so a little time and effort here can have a very positive effect.
Using your keywords in the title and the description is good practice because these will be highlighted in the search results if they were used in the search query itself. This will make your result more prominent and instantly identify your page as being relevant to the user. Don't needlessly use keywords, however, and don't throw extra keywords into the description at the cost of a well written, short ad.
Other Formatting Tags
On-page content should always be written with the visitor in mind, although obviously it can still be optimized for search engines. As such, proper page structure is important to your reader as well as to the engines. H1 and H2 tags are an effective way of breaking up page content, and give readers the chance to skim through a page and determine its relevance.
A page should only contain a single H1 tag at the top of the content but can include multiple H2 and H3 tags. Alt tags on images should also be included and these as well as the actual file path to the image itself can include important keywords (but do make sure that they actually make sense and are more than just a keyword thrown in for the sake of SEO).
Page Content Optimization
Finally, we get to the heart of the page - the content itself. Use the keywords you researched for a page including semantically related keywords. Write as naturally and appealingly as possible while keeping those keywords in mind and don't get carried away stuffing or cramming them into the body of the text. Not only is this unappealing to readers but is seriously frowned upon by the search engines.
The reader really is the most important aspect of your content. If the majority of your visitors are coming from the search engines remember that they arrived using specific keywords. This means that they are searching for equally specific information relating to those keywords - make sure you deliver on the promise that you made in your title and description tags.
June 14, 2009
Blogging Your Way to the Top
While blogs work best if updated multiple times per week, even those with a new post every week or two have advantages. Blogs don't have to be a major undertaking, spending only an hour or so a week on posting can have you seeing results in no time.
There are many advantages to adding a blog to your website. Here are a few.
Increased Rankings
By boosting your topical content, you increase the value and relevance of your site. The more new stuff you add, the more of an authority you make your site, and this helps to improve your overall search rankings. It can also help you obtain rankings for "long tailed search phrases".
Long tailed search phrases are those that are less commonly searched, and usually exceed 3 or 4 words in length - they are also very targeted to your product or service. Blogs are great for getting rankings on long tailed search phrases. If you see a long tailed search phrase you want to rank for, use the phrase as the post title (if it makes sense to do so) and write a good, content rich post about it and your ranking potential for this phrase will rise.
By writing blog posts with your target phrases in mind, you can often help improve your overall rankings by increasing the relevance of the site to that search phrase. Consider also linking to other relevant pages within your site from the post.
Increased Traffic
Blogs are great for increasing traffic. Aside from the added traffic you may see from search ranking improvements, if your blog is interesting and topical, you will get some repeat visitors to your site as readers check back for new posts. If people really like your blog, they will spread the word, resulting in even more visitors. Just think, have you ever emailed or instant messaged a friend with a link to an article you have read? Don't you want your link to be the one passed around?
By blogging regularly about your industry you will help to establish yourself as an expert. Many of your potential customers will see your blog and notice that you know what you're talking about and be more likely to utilize your services. By sharing your knowledge it can help to instill trust onto your visitors which can actually result in increased conversions. There are a lot of faceless, anonymous websites out there - an active blog can help people relate to you and trust you.
A good, well written blog can result in free one way links to your site. Sometimes it is as simple as a fan adding your link to their blog roll, and other times it may be RSS working its magic. Try to squeeze in a link or two into your posts and direct them to other internal pages on your website. If anyone then republishes or syndicates your posts on their sites, you will also end up with a relevant back link. (If you would like some other ideas on link building be sure to check out Ways to Increase Link Density & Building Links with Directory Submissions )
A blog is not a magic bullet used to skyrocket your inbound link counts, but it can certainly help.
What Platform To Use
I am a firm believer in the power of WordPress and the seemingly unlimited plug-ins available to help you. That said, just about any blog platform will work. It is probably best to stick with the main stream providers as they tend to have more options available and better support forums in case you get stuck with customization issues. In the end however, any search friendly blog platform will ultimately do the trick.
Blog Post Ideas
If after reading this you are sitting there thinking, "What should I write about?" here are some ideas to help you get going:
• New product launches
• Press releases
• Industry relevant news
• How to's related to your product or service
• Answers to reader comments
• Posts revolving around relevant long tailed phrases
• In depth product descriptions or tutorials
• Company history or interesting stories
• Reviews of related products, services or online tools
Blogs are relevant for pretty much all industries, and they don't have to take a lot of your time. A little creativity can help you come up with ideas for posts, just try to think outside the proverbial box.
If you've been putting off the blogging idea for some time, consider getting started now. There is much to gain and very little to lose.
June 7, 2009
Five Crucial Components of Web Design
Designing a successful website is no easy task, especially for someone who is new to the world of web development. With the help of web development applications many people can and do create decent websites. But decent in most cases is not good enough to make a site successful from a traffic or financial standpoint.
There are five crucial components of web design that you must focus on in order to make a site valuable to its visitors and successful for you.
• SEO -
Getting free traffic to your site.
• Usability -
Ease of navigating around the site and finding desired information quickly.
• Aesthetics -
Visual appeal.
• Content -
Valid, up-to-date, relevant information.
• Graphics -
Eye candy that relays relevant visual information to the visitor.
Before you ever lay down a byte of HTML code for a site, you have to know and understand at least the basics of SEO and how it fits into the design. SEO is the art of designing a site in a fashion that gives the site an advantage for obtaining free and abundant traffic.
The number one aspect of SEO is selecting keywords relevant to your site. The keywords you select should be based on high usage, low competition and relevancy to your topic. Once you select keywords you can then begin the development of your site. Keep in mind keywords are a critical aspect of the design. The keywords you choose will be applied within the design in strategic fashion to benefit the flow of traffic to your site. To understand more on how to implement SEO you should read and learn more about this important subject. If you don't, your website success will be difficult to achieve.
Your website must be easy to navigate and designed in a way that makes it easy to find information. Visitors will not stay long if it takes more than one or two clicks to get the information they want or if it takes brain power to figure out how to get the information they want. One of the goals of your site design is to keep usability easy, and simple. To do this, apply the following three fundamentals of usability.
• Provide a site search tool.
A visitor in a hurry can quickly find the info they desire then move on to the action they desire.
• Provide simple, intuitive and consistent site navigation.
This provides visitors the tool they need to leisurely explore their way through your site.
• Provide logical and simple to follow content.
The message of a site should start off in a simple and basic fashion with well defined links pointing the way to more detailed information or explanation as needed.
In the cases above, the goal is to make it easy for your visitor to find the information they want without frustration or difficulty. Doing this well will have a positive effect on increasing the return of your visitors.
A website has to look clean, uncomplicated and strike a balance in layout that is pleasant to the visitor. Pleasing aesthetics come about when the colors of a site complement each other, the graphics blend and lend continuation of the theme and the layout brings unity and openness to the page.
Often overlooked by novice designers is the color palette of the site. While you can select color in a willy-nilly fashion and still provide a visually appealing site, a better idea for color selection should be based on an understanding of the color wheel and proven color strategies.
Many web designers often view a web page as an opportunity to blast a visitor with lots of information in hopes this will convince the visitor to take action. Usually this results in a quick exit due to the overwhelming visual effect and complicated look. A better approach is to provide less content and open space (referred to as white space) to allow visitors eyes to scan and explore with ease.
An important feature of any website is the quality of the text content. Visitors come to a site expecting to find answers to their questions, solutions to their problems or for entertainment value. The content offered at your site must be well-written and without grammatical or spelling errors. It also has to be relevant to the theme of your site, with valid, up-to- date information for your visitors. Content is King!
You can have a functional and usable website without graphic elements. However, if there are similar sites to yours that employ graphics, guess which site will get the most traffic. The necessary companions to any well-designed site are the images and illustrations that grace its pages. The images can't be any willy-nilly graphic that you might think is cool. Graphic imagery has to support your branding, and communicate the message you are trying to convey. Before you incorporate graphic elements into your site, take some time to look around the web. Notice what looks good and how elements are laid out. These same layouts techniques can be used as models for your site.
The Internet is a highly competitive business arena. To be successful with a commercial website, you have to keep these five crucial web design elements in mind. Contrary to what many will tell you, it is rarely possible to have commercial success without the benefit of a professional website. This is not to say that you must hire a professional, however you must implement professional design elements to improve your chances for success.
May 25, 2009
11 Things Every Successful Website Needs
By Merle (c) 2009
So you've put together a spectacular website, and you're ready to go live on the Internet for the whole world to see. Not so fast there Bucky. In case you didn't know, there are a few essential requirements that every site needs to include in order to be successful.
Let's review, shall we:
1) Privacy Policy/Disclaimer: Now, I'm not a lawyer and don't claim to be one, but these two documents should be standard issue for every site you have. People want to know how you're going to use their personal information, and a "privacy policy" does just that.
In today's litigious society you'll also need to include a disclaímer/terms of use page. This protects you and spells out to your visitors what they're agreeing to by using your website. If you don't know where to start in generating these documents, you'll find plenty of help online.
• DMA Privacy Policy Generator
• OECD Privacy Statement Generator
• Google Adsense & other Ad Networks Privacy Policy Generator
• Privacy Policy Generator
• Free Site Disclaímer
This is not legal advice, and if you need help in this department, consult with a local attorney.
2) Contact Us Information: I can't tell you how many sites I've been to that fail to include a way to contact the owner. If you can't include a phone number, at the very least have an email address or a "contact us" form. By providing this information, you'll make your visitors feel more comfortable knowing there's a way to reach you should the need arise.
If you need a form and don't know how to create one, try these free form services.
• Bravenet
• Freedback
• Email Me
3) Search Box/Site Map: If your site is rather large, you'll also want to include a way to search, or have what is called a "site map". There are many ways to add a search function to your site, the easiest being to use Google's free service or try PicoSearch A site map sounds technical, but it's just one web page that contains links to every page of your site, usually broken down by category. Some resources to help can be found at FreeFind.
4) Google Analytics/Tracking System: Once your site is up and running you'll want to keep your eye on traffic. Who's visiting your website, what pages are the most popular, where is the traffic coming from. All of these questions and more can be answered by using a good analytics program.
There are several ways to add a thorough tracking system to your site, but the easiest and one that won't cost you a dime is Google Analytics Once registered, you can add as many sites as you like all under one user ID and password. You'll be given some code to copy and paste on your pages. Simple, easy, and you're done.
5) Newsletter Sign Up/RSS Feed: There's an old saying that people won't buy from you the very first time they come to your website, so you need a way to stay in touch with them to bring them back again and again. By offering a newsletter, also known as an ezine, you'll be building a list of possible prospects which is invaluable to any site owner.
You'll find a multitude of free and low cost newsletter services online. It's up to you, depending on your needs and what you can afford. If you don't want to pay anything, my favorite free services are:
• FreeAutoBot
• Yahoo Groups
You can also provide an RSS feed for your newsletter, or updates to your blog or site. This makes it easy for others to keep up with your most recent posts. The best service for this is FeedBurner.
6) Consistent Navigation: This might sound like a no brainer, but many folks get it wrong. No matter what type of menu system you decide upon, make sure it stays the same across the board on all pages of your site.
Your job is to guide your visitors through your website, making sure they always know where they are and how to get to where they need to go.
For more see:
• Eye on Web
• Web Page Mistakes
7) Search Engine Optimized Copy: At first glance you might not think this is so important, but trust me it is. You want your pages to rank well with the search engines and there are a few steps you can take to ensure this happens.
For help see:
• MarketLeap
• CopyBlogger
8) Social Media Share Button: With the popularity of social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace, you'd be foolish not to include an easy way for your content to be shared with others.
You'll find many free services that will give you the code you need to instantly add a "share button" to your web pages so that visitors can instantly share them with their friends.
To generate your buttons see:
• AddThis
• TwitThis
May 22, 2009
Awesome Blogging Resources is a website owned, and operated by Google that allows users to post blogs for free, and make money with AdSense. While lacks the power of a Wordpress, it is easy for those that are interested in implementing their AdSense ads in a simple, little code, manner. is another blog publishing software that is known on the net as the most powerful, and sophisticated blog publishers out there. Wordpress is also free, and allows users to build blogs that are much more advanced than a site would be. also allows users to customize their blog more than most, and even implements free plug-ins that are also worthwhile. is another great site that ranks all the latest and greatest blogs. The value of this site is to look at what other top bloggers are doing, and attempt to emulate it with your own blog. Understanding what makes a certain blog in your niche so popular can revolutionize the way you think about and post to your own blog, which could have long lasting positive effects. offers free blog resources that are as much fun, as they are useful. The site offers users free software, and plugins to enhance any blog, or even create one from scratch. Since so many blog updates are costly these days, TheFreeSite gives users a nice alternative with their free downloads of blog software. offers users a virtual telephone book of blogs from all areas of subject matter. No matter what your interest, or niche, this website can bring out the best and most popular blogs. This site is full of directory style listings, and even user ratings to help you search the net.
Ultimately the best blog resource is the one that caters to your needs, and thus must be sought out by you according to what you are trying to achieve. Seeking out your own best blog resources will certainly help you profit from blogs in the near future.
May 21, 2009
Financial Literacy Education
Financial Literacy Education is the sole key to everyone's Financial Independence.
Financial Independence means freeing yourself from financial bondage of working for money instead you let your money works for you. Do you know what is the best employee that doesn't complain even for a lifetime without compensation? IT'S MONEY. Once we learn how to employ money to work for us. Money never never complains, works 24 hours a day 7 days a week including holidays, no compensation or salary increase, no vacation leave, no employees benefits, none at all. Money only knows how to work, work and work by compounding which will last generations to generations.
Financial Literacy Education teaches people to stop being slave for money nevertheless understand psychology of money.
Financial Literacy answers why rich people getting richer and poor getting poorer.
Financial Literacy is the solution to have early retirement with comfortable lifestyle.

Financial Literacy gives you time to spend with family.
Financial Literacy is the formula of financial abundance.
Financial Literacy builds financial foundation to be left as your children's precious inheritance.
Financial Literacy opens door to lucrative opportunities.
Financial Literacy guarantees Financial Independence.
Financial Literacy makes you a man of charity that shares blessings to others.
WARNING: Financial Literacy Education is not a get rich quick scheme..
Financial Literacy Education is more of setting one's mind. In fact, it is investing in mind and character thus correct wrong beliefs about money, for myriad money alone doesn't make you rich. Most of the time, it is one's downfall because money gives shallow feeling of euphoria and security, for if we don't know how to handle properly and invest money wisely, that money will just vanish into thin air.
As they say, " It doesn't matter how much money you make what matters is how much you keep."
Achieving wealth through Financial Literacy Education way is not easy and instant. The Education it teaches is contrary from teachings of traditional school beacuse in order to be rich it allows evryone to encounter failures and commit mistakes in order through these difficulties we will learn.
The best things it teaches in order to be be wealthy and successful we must possess VISION and PERSISTENCE. VISION and PERSISTENCE are what seperate unwealthy and unsuccessful from wealthy and successful people.

To be wealthy and successful: VISION outstretches our perspectives to what is beyond which I can still achieve. If we have vision we persevere until our wealth is achieve, we don't mind if it'll take time or years, beacause our main focus sees beyond time and stint. Our vision makes us see our goals achieved, makes us feel our success and touch our wealth.
To be wealthy and successful: PERSISTENCE doesn't let failures defeat us. We simply don't stop no matter how difficult the circumstances are and how cruel the people around us, because STOP is not part of our vocabulary. Persistence pushes us to keep going.
" PERSISTENCE is the essential factor in the procedure of transmuting desire into its monetary equivalent " by Napoleon Hill.
May 18, 2009
Getting Traffic to Your Blog
So after you hit up your family and friends, who else is going to read your blog? The answer is likely nobody unless you give them a reason to read it. This is where the traffic driving secrets come into play when dealing with a blog. The best way to get traffic to your blog is by using free promotional methods. The key is to have something on your blog worth checking out once they get there, but for this part we’ll simply focus on getting traffic.
Start out by joining all the forums, and social networks in your niche. If you have a blog that is aimed at giving dating advice, make sure to join all the dating forums you can, and any free dating sites possible. The first thing to do is find out where your link is allowed, and post your blog link in your signature. Once this is done take a few hours each day to make posts, eventually people will start considering you an expert, and gladly check out your site.
Next it is important to start submitting your blog posts as articles to free article directories. The free article directories will help promote your blog by distributing the articles to thousands of resources, which will also get your blog, and your article higher search engine ranking at the same time.
Finally start to collect email addresses and setup your blog for RSS feeds. Allow the membership to enjoy your blog in the comfort of their inbox by choosing the option on your blog software to email the blog post every time a new one goes up. This will be a way to attract daily traffic to your blog for free, and keep the traffic you receive from your expert forum posting coming back.
May 16, 2009
Ad Placement - How and Where to Place Your Ads on Your Blog
Putting your advertisements at the top of the blog isn’t good enough anymore. Many people have been using computers long enough to train themselves to ignore the advertisement banners at the top of a website, or blog, and thus you the publisher must find new, and unique ways to get the advertisements read, and clicked by your visitors.
One place to put the advertisements for your blog is directly to the right hand side of the daily blog post. Research shows that the human eyes tend to gravitate to the upper right hand side of any page, which is where your advertisement should be in order to obtain maximum exposure. The more the ad is put in this spot, the better rate of clicks that you will get on the ad.
Another great place to put the advertisement is in the body of the text. This is commonly done by highlighting, and adding hyperlinks to some of the more popular keywords. By adding such keywords one can simply click on the highlighted word to learn more about a product, or service you might be promoting. In text ads aren’t ever very big as not to disrupt the text, but can pack a serious punch in terms of sales because of the natural curiosity of the reader to check out whatever it is you are promoting.
Finally one can place advertisements at the bottom of the blog, with more information about you, the author of the blog. Since blogs are typically personal, people enjoy reading about the author, and thus it makes sense to include a few ads near your profile, to capitalize on the profile checking nature of your visitors.
May 14, 2009
Manila Internet Marketing Workshop. June 26-27,2009
In the Visayas? There's one in Cebu this June 12-13,2009. Click here for full details.
Learn how to...
-Setup a business that can replace your day job
-Setup a business that you can sell someday. like real estate
-Setup a 2nd source of income w/o leaving your day job!
-Deal with Virtual Assistants for the first time-effectively!
-No retirement pay? No problem! Online businesses can be
your retirement income!
-Learn how the internet experts are doing it-even if
you're not that good yourself!
-Setup and use autoresponders
-Sell online w/o knowing how to sell personally
-Set things up automatically so it makes money while you
-Find and create products that can make income for you.
For Businesses:
-Learn the techniques Pinoy & International Internet
Marketers have used for years!
-Promote your business -online -ahead of your competitors!
-Follow SEO practices from the beginning --even w/o
realizing it!
-Find out where the LATEST keywords can come from
(nope, it's not overture)
-Discover more about your clients w/o asking them.
-Saturate the internet w/o doing the heavy lifting yourself.
Bo Sanchez presents Jomar Hilario in the ...
The Truly Rich Internet Marketing Hands On Workshop
*with 20,000 pesos worth of bonus products that you can use/sell/giveaway
Email to get your SLOT reserved! Call up Beckie at Tel. (02... (Tuesdays-Fridays 9:00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.)
Venue: GENEX, Farmer's Plaza Mall, Cubao, beside the Cubao MRT
Date: June 26-27,2009, Friday-Sat,
(Friday: 10:30am-5:30pm, Sat: 10:30am-5:30pm)
See what you can benefit from attending this workshop:
BENEFIT 1: Create a way to make money semi-passively on the internet. Blogging with Adsense with Automatic Writing (note: no writing talent required, minimum time spent per month)
How to....
+- Find popular niches in small markets in seconds!
+- Know what other things your market is interested in
aside from your niche.
+- Name your blog so it appears top in search engines
+- Update your blog regularly, even when you're on
vacation or busy doing other things.
+- Keep your blog relevant/current even if you have
no writing talent.
+- Develop your blog's popularity - both quickly and
slowly you can do both - at the same time!
+- Maximize your blog format for high adsense
+- Track which niche is making money for you.
+- "Decorate" your blog with items that increase it's
earning potential.
+- Do "link love" for maximum popularity (for your blog).
+- Do all the above in the shortest number of steps
+- Make blogs that give only a high amount of income
and ignore those niches that pay comparatively little.
+- Make use of other people's blogs to make yours more
+- Never run out of topics for your blogs.
+- Take charge of your income in blogging - concentrate on
the money earners.
+- Do all of the above ETHICALLY and LEGALLY
BENEFIT 2: Build an online business complete with customers, products and credit card acceptance!
Create an online store, an online newsletter and a client capture website!
How to....
+- Start an online store with one product only and build up to
+- Set up a site or email that instantly accepts credit cards -
from the Philippines!
+- Capture client's emails in any site/email you create.
+- Create an automated online newsletter
+- Find stuff to put into your newsletter when you have no
writing talent.
+- Create free offers.
+- Use the very system that the Internet Marketing "Bigboys" are using to create their wealth!
+- Close a sale on the internet
+- Use BENEFIT 1 in creating your product - if you don't have
+- Super charge your existing business so you're on top of your client's needs.
+- Fill up your store/venue when you have an event/promo
+- Get ahead in your business using time tested practices
marketing experts use in your own niche!
BENEFIT 3: Let everybody in your market know all about you.
Internet Promotion, where to do it, do's and don'ts , do it.
How to....
+- Promote in forums, blogs, social networks, event
calendars, etc.
+- Have the correct mindset so you succeed in promotion
+- Synergize your offline and online promotions for
maximum success utilize offline marketing techniques in
your online promotions
+- Be a business owner- when it comes to promoting your
business or service.
BENEFIT 4: Virtual Assistants: Free up your time in the process. There's so much to do, so little time, What do I do?
How to....
+- Avoid doing all this heavy lifting and get your life back
while earning on the side.
+- Find, qualify and deal with virtual assistants (VA) that do
all the work for you
+- How to create digital products just by dealing with these VAs.
Experience Bonus 1:
You'll learn all the above without the technical terms and complicated concepts that sometimes cloud understanding. All you'll learn is practical, doable and instantly usable.
Take Home Bonus:
You take home ALL HANDOUTS and PRESENTATIONS so you can apply what you have learned on your own. All presentations are STEP-BY-STEP and even a grandmother can follow them. P.S. Bring a large capacity USB Thumb Drive for the BONUSES. (400MB)
Must be able to create a new email account. This is no joke. If you have no experience in creating an account - you might have a hard time following - and I suggest you bring along someone who is- to guide you! This requirement involves being able to surf, click, right click, drag, high-light, copy and paste. If you're chuckling because you know these things already - or you're sad because you don't --know that we will be spending time -during the event in training you in these basics.
Create a working website that you can use to sell anything.
This level of detail has not been available to others at this price before-till now. The value of this workshop is in excess of P 200,000 - if you attend it in the US.
"Yahoo! I already earned my first $100, after 2 months!" - Dandy, Cebu
"What I liked about the workshop is that the instructions were easy to understand. Anyone with a little bit of basic computer skills will be able to comprehend." Vincent
"(I like the section on) Blogging & adsense...because I don't need to be a good writer to earn semi-passive income."
"What I like most in the workshop is the opportunity to market globally whatever you want to sell. I want to earn as well ." Mike
"Sulit na Sulit!" Judith
This is not a TALKING SEMINAR, but a DOING WORKSHOP. You leave the event with a website you can use to sell any product.
Email to get your SLOT reserved!
Venue: GENEX, Farmer's Plaza Mall, Cubao, beside the Cubao MRT
Date: June 26-27,2009, Friday-Sat,
(Friday: 10:30am-5:30pm, Sat: 10:30am-5:30pm
You only have a few days to decide-there are limited seats! A workshop of THIS level of detail is NOT OFFERED ANYWHERE in the Philippines.
Email to reserve your slot before the the limited # of seats run out. It's June 26-27,2009. Yes, it's so good you will say that a day's absence from work will be MORE THAN WORTH IT.
Super Double Guarantee: If you're not able to recover double the fee (P 9750 per person, the special Couples or Business Partners Price is P8750 only per person) to this workshop using what you learned - after one year, we'll refund you plus 1,000 pesos for your trouble!
To avail of this workshop in the US - will cost you P 85,000 - P200,000 - and that's just attendance to a seminar. This workshop is a bargain at P 9750.-!
Email to get details on how to reserve your seat now.
Bo Sanchez presents Jomar Hilario
About the Trainor:
Goal: To Make You Truly Rich
Core gift: Teaching and Training
Passion: Sharing his (Technical) knowledge in the simplest way.
Core skills: Presentation, Internet Technology, Marketing
Recent Achievement: Filled up a 10,000 seat venue in 30 days via online marketing. Yes, how this is done will also be shared in the Internet Marketing Workshop.
P.S1. Each person most likely knows someone else who is passionate about earning online. Please do not close this email until you've sent this opportunity to that person. He or she will be thanking you -richly - very very soon.
Oh yes the P 20,000 worth of bonuses is included in his package. This contains Ebooks that you can sell or give away to attract your customers, specially if you don't have a product. There are also programs you can use in your business as well as Informational Ebooks about Internet Marketing.
AdSense and Blogging
The key with any AdSense optimized website is traffic, the more traffic that comes to the website, the more clicks the ads will get. While traffic is the key, there is one other important aspect of AdSense money making schemes, and that is keyword placement. AdSense advertisements must be triggered by a keyword, or set of keywords, and can often be cumbersome if the website the AdSense is hosted on doesn’t offer the exact keywords the ads need to be triggered.
With blogs one can rest assured that if they are making daily posts, most every AdSense ad possible for their niche will run at some point during the blogs life. This means that the variety of AdSense ads on blogs is second to none, and the traffic is also very good.
The majority of web traffic comes from search engine listings, and blogs help even the most novice marketer place high in the search engine rankings. By having a high place in the search engine rankings one can receive copious amounts of traffic to their site on a daily basis for free.
AdSense is a marketing business that needs to be tested constantly to ensure effectiveness. The sad fact is that many websites need to have certain keywords on them to attract big dollars, and the typical AdSense client might not get the traffic to trigger those ads for years, if ever. With blogs one can constantly test the keywords on the site to help prompt better advertisements on his or her website.
Using AdSense as a way to make money with blogs simply makes sense, a lot of sense, as it is the easiest, most effective way to make money on the internet without doing a single thing different with your blog besides placing the code in at the top to allow the ads to be shown.
May 12, 2009
Blogging and RSS
With the advancement in technology the RSS feeds will now auto update themselves to provide people with a wonderful array of blog posts daily without ever having to actually visit the blog itself. This means that one can grow a virtual subscriber base with one simple niche blog, and profit from the experience every time they make a post. Utilizing the power of blogging and RSS one can make some serious money by keeping people up to date with affiliate products, and services.
Since the RSS feed will deliver the blog to subscriber’s mailboxes, and let millions of people on the net know what your blog is about through a RSS feed description, it makes sense to attempt to profit from such an advantageous situation. By offering affiliate products, one can provide their own affiliate link embedded into the blog for readers to click.
One example of setting up a blog for maximum RSS exposure is to write a blog with hyperlinked keywords that are directly linked to your products. The more links the better, as the more chances you will have to sell the affiliate items to your subscriber base. Make sure that the links are either live, or given actual URL’s in the actual post so that the user can stay within their own e-mail application while reading, and visiting the recommend site that you provide them with.
RSS feeds are hugely popular today, and known to help search engine optimization as well, and thus are a must do for anyone serious about profiting off of blogs. Setting up the RSS feed is as easy as filling out a short questionnaire in the blog appliaciton of your choice, which means it takes little time to do something that can help you profit big.
May 10, 2009
Blogging and SEO - How it Can Help You
Similar to article marketing, posting daily blogs with the keywords of your business included can have remarkable effects on the ranking of your site in any given search engine, and thus net you more traffic. The key to gaining more traffic from the keywords is what is called long tail keywords, and short tail keywords. The word tail refers to the length of the keyword term. A short tail keyword term would be “internet marketing” whereas a long tail keyword term would be “internet marketing for people that own mac computers” and so on. The short and long tailed keywords help your post get picked up in the search engine as highly applicable to the keyword that a person was searching in the first place.
Getting picked up in search engines can lead to huge masses of traffic heading to your site everyday. There are top keyword placers that use blogs to retain huge amounts of daily traffic to their sites just by implementing these long and short tail keywords into their posts. The amazing thing about blogs is they are picked up by the search engines almost as quickly as one posts to it, which makes it a wonderful tool for SEO purposes.
Another way blogging can help your sites search engine ranking is by the quality score. Most search engines, including Google rank sites with a quality score, the more unique, user provided content, the higher the quality score. If a website is just a sales page, and a few pictures, the quality score will most likely be low. But if a site has a blog on it, with fresh, daily posts, the quality score becomes much better, and thus the site gets ranked much higher when people are searching for your niche, or keyword terms.
May 8, 2009
Benefits of a Wordpress Blog
What might be the most notable benefit of Wordpress is the ability to work on a post offline, in a standalone interface. Most blog software applications require one to be logged onto the internet, and geared up ready to go to post to the blog, whereas Wordpress allows you to edit, build, and post a blog at anytime, without being connected to the internet.
Another benefit of Wordpress is the ease of use, and advanced functionality of the software compared to some blog software applications. Wordpress functions code free if one needs to post in such a fashion with easy to use icons similar to what one would see in a word processing program. Having the ability to utilize a program like this allows people to create blogs that are as high tech, and complete as full blown websites.
Yet another benefit of Wordpress is its remarkable plugin library that allows for users to instantly add features, and functions to Wordpresses already impressive abilities. The plugin library for Wordpress is robust because of the popularity of the software, many programmers and designers have created plugins based on their particular needs.
When you add up all these elements you end up with a program that is fully capable of creating highly attractive blogs that encourage people to visit the sight and stay to read whatever is posted on it. If you ever wanted powerful blog software that was less template and more unique Wordpress is it.
May 6, 2009
Niche Blogs and How to Get the Most Out of Them
When searching for the right night for any blog, be sure to look at the prospective audience, and your abilities to keep the blog up to date within that niche. If you are thinking about doing a blog about horse racing, yet you have no time to watch horse races, it might not make sense to try to do a niche blog on the subject. Instead a good way of finding a niche is by looking at what it is that you do have time to do, and then creating a blog based on that instead.
After you have selected your niche blog topic, it’s time to become an expert. No matter how much you think you know about your niche blog theme, chances are you could use some brushing up on the topic. One can brush up on a topic by simply doing research on the niche blog theme, and spending a few hours reading within the blog subject territory each day. Feel free to check out rival blogs, as they will give you an idea of what is popular in this niche, and what is not.
The most important part of getting the most out of a niche blog is becoming the go to place for information in this niche. That means creating a blog that is constantly updated, and is accurate in the stories relating to the subject. If you do this with your niche blog, expect big time results.
May 4, 2009
Why Blogging is So Popular
The most common use of a blog is that of a journal, or an opinionated piece of writing involving some aspect of the author’s day to day life. While some blogs are totally commercially driven, they are often masked as personal musing in order to entice visitors. This is something that just can’t be avoided, people love checking out other peoples blogs to see what’s going on.
The internet can be a cold and bare place for people to be at times, and the blog helps create a sense of community with its powerful reach, and ease of use. Many people want to share, or keep up with others, but simply don’t have time. Email has gotten to the point that people are overwhelmed just to deal with their regular inbox each day, nonetheless an email from an old friend, and thus checking someone’s blog is commonplace nowadays. In fact, there are millions of blogs out there, and most of them are intended to be read by family and friends.
Blogging is popular because it relates to community, family, and friends, and therefore it is in direct relation with what matters most in life. Blogs can be a powerful tool to communicate to others, as well as to market with, as they are so friendly to search engines in terms of keywords, and ranking. Just making a few blog posts can literally get you noticed immediately, and is something that truly can help you become a big player in the internet business game.
May 2, 2009
What is a Blog and How Blogging Will Help Your Business
The blog has been around for years, however just came into major popularity in the last three years. The weblog, or blog is simply a application that allows users to post written text that gets immediately posted to the web, like an online journal of sorts. The blog is something that is meant to be as easy to use as the word processor application on your computer. While most websites take hours to update, a blog can be updated in real time, as quick as one would save a file to a computer. This is partly what makes blogs magical.
Blogging is a great way to get information on the internet inexpensively with friendly results, such as high search engine ranking, and free advertising. The blog, with it’s variety of keyword heavy posts allows people to make money off of the high return result on a search engine like Google. What this means is that if you are selling home security systems, and you create a blog about good deals on such systems, chances are people looking for a security system will come across your blog in the search engine. This added exposure will surly help more people notice your business, and make purchases, thus creating greater business for you.
Blogs are most commonly found on the internet via the World Wide Web, and can be published for free by some of the biggest names on the internet. The fact that the blog is free is the main reason why people can so easily profit from using them, because there is no real upfront investment with blogs, and thus there is only one way to go from zero dollars invested, and that’s to profit.
May 1, 2009
How to create a blog with Blogger
Stealth Marketing Secrets
Stealth Marketing Secrets
Blogging Cash Course
Blogging Cash Course
April 29, 2009
Internet Marketing Maven Suggests Pinging Your Twitter Bio

Internet marketing guru Stephen Pearce tweeted a suggestion this morning for an awesome use of Pingler (remember, we suggested that this morning? We got it from Stephen). Here’s another gem from Stephen Pearce, who has 12,5239 Twitter followers and has been a successful Internet marketer since the very early days. He knows his stuff.
Stephen suggests tweeting your important links such as
* YouTube videos
* Articles
* Blogs
* Social media profiles (including your Twitter bio)
* Landing pages
Essentially, anything you can promote you should Twitter it. Make sure you use hard links, not tinyurls (this is very important for search engine optimization and link bulding reasons). Then, ping your Twitter stream. PING! Ping it, man. Stephen says to do it every day.
Why? Because Twitter will then become a link directory for your own links that sits on the ping lists of other websites where those links can gain some link juice and provide you with back links. Awesome suggestion.
April 28, 2009
How To Use Twitter For Building Links

Twitter isn’t a link building service. In fact, aside from the one link you get in your 140-character limit bio, there isn’t a whole lot of potential for building links through Twitter. At least, not directly. However, there are some indirect methods for building links.
We’ve written about pinging your Twitter stream before. But what we haven’t talked about is how to use Twitter as link bait.
You want to build links to your website, right? Well, you have to promote it then and Twitter is a great way to promote your website. A GREAT way. Here’s one method you can use to get Twitter’s help in building inbound links to your website.
* Build up a massive Twitter following. There are several online tools available to help you find people with interests like yours. Whichever ones you decide to use, keep in mind that the more followers you have the more likely you are to get people retweeting your blog posts and linking to you from their blogs.
* Tweet your blog posts. Kind of a no-brainer, right? How are you going to build links to a site if no one knows about it? Use a Tweet/Retweet plugin for WordPress if you have a WP blog. Also, use Twitter Tools or another similar plugin so that your blog posts are automatically Twittered when they post. Bottom line, get your blog posts on Twitter where your massive follower list will see it.
* Build relationships with your followers. Tweet their blogs posts and retweet their messages. They will reciprocate. Also, send @replies and get people to talking. Once they realize you are a real human being and you have a personality, they will read your blog posts, tweet them, and link to you from their blogs.
* Use Tweetlater to retweet awesome blog posts a couple of weeks out. Just when the online passion has died down you can resurrect again with a carefully placed tweet when your followers least expect it.
* Bookmark it. Twittley is a social bookmarking service that automatically sends a tweet when you bookmark a page. Also, whenever someone else votes for your submissions, Twittley will send out a retweet. And since it is a fairly new service, you can virtually get in on the ground floor and building your reputation before the competition does.
* Build content worth linking to. Really, this one should be the first item on the list. You can do all of the other stuff here and never get a link back if your content isn’t link worthy. The No. 1 way to ensure you get a link is to make your content worthy of links.
Twitter is a great tool for promotion. It won’t provide the links for you, but you can use Twitter to promote your great content and your followers will link to the really good stuff.
April 26, 2009
Why Profitable Keywords are the Cornerstones of Your Internet Marketing?
It can't be emphasized enough, especially to beginning online webmasters or marketers, choosing the right profitable keywords will largely determine whether or not you succeed with your online endeavors. You simply must get this element right or your marketing will be in big trouble.
What are Keywords?
Lets start at the very beginning, keywords are the exact words someone types into a search engine to find what they're looking for on the web. Some keywords are valuable/profitable, while others are virtually worthless.
Profitable keywords are the ones that convert into a sale, a lead or potential client/customer for your company or product. These are the words someone is searching in order to buy a product or hire a service. Someone searching for "honeymoon vacatíon packages" is probably in the market to book a honeymoon vacatíon and could turn out to be very profitable for the right website or business.
Commercial Intent of Keywords?
But how do you know if a keyword is profitable? Well, one convenient tool is from MSN which helps you with "Detecting Online Commercial Intention" of keywords. Just type in a keyword and it will give you a percentage or probability your keyword query has commercial benefit or intent.
Conversion Rate of Keywords?
Once you have your chosen keywords in place, next you want to have a landing page that converts those keywords or traffic from those keywords into buyers or leads for your online business. This is another crucial element of your online marketíng - you must have a landing page or content/site that converts into a sale or you obviously won't make any revenue.
Keep in mind, if you're into affiliate marketing, you main goal is not to sell but to "pre-sell" your products or services. One effective way I have found to do this is to give potential customers/clients valuable information they can use in making their final purchasing choice. Comparison sites do well, as do review sites, top ten sites... potential customers use the Internet and keywords to not only find products but more so, to find information on those products. Your goal should be to provide this valuable information to make their task a little bit easier for them and they will reward you with a sale.
Long-Tail Keywords?
Long-Tail keywords are simply that: long three or four word phrases that searchers use to find what they're looking for on the web. Because they are highly specific, long-tail keywords have proven to have better conversion rates than general keywords. This is also just common sense, someone searching for a "2005 ford mustang convertible" may just be in the right mind-set to buy such a vehicle; as compared to someone searching for a more general keyword phrase such as "sports cars."
Study your website traffic logs religiously to find long-tail keywords that turn into a sale. Target these long-tail keywords in your marketing. Even buy PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising in the three major search engines - Google Adwords, Yahoo! Marketing and MicroSoft AdCenter - for these valuable/profitable keywords.
And build higher rankings in organic search for these long-tail keyword phrases. It's really not that difficult for long phrases, especially if they're related to your site; many times you can reach the top spot in a matter of days, especially in Google.
How to Rank High for Your Chosen Profitable Keywords?
Of course, the million dollar question is: HOW do you rank in the top spot for your chosen keywords? I believe the key to ranking high in the search engines (especially Google) is to be persistent in building your rankings for your keywords. Take a long-term view or approach, sometimes it may take months, even years, to rank in the top Five for your highly competitive keywords.
The best strategy is to "stick to it" and keep building relevant links to your keyword landing page. Create related blogs with valuable content linking back to your keywords. Write keyword related articles and distribute them all over the web. Create Google Alerts for your keywords and then place comments/links in the newly formed pages on the web that Google is indexing.
Be pro-active, download the SEOQuake toolbar and find your main keyword competitors. Check out their links and then go out and get the same links. Write better, higher quality content than your main competitors because Google always rewards great content. Plus, use the free button and let your visitors bookmark your great content in all the social bookmark sites and build your keyword links for you.
Do keyworded Press Releases with your embedded links and spread them all over the web. Get these Press Releases into Google news and other important places on the web. is really a great place for your press releases since you can embed your keywords in your links.
If you can try to get your most important keywords in your domain name. Many SEO experts argue the merits of this but from my own experience and marketing - it is much easier to rank high for your keywords if you have them in the domain name. Again, it is just common sense, if you have your main keyword in the domain, this keyword is obviously telling the search engines this is what your site is all about. I have even bought domains and created sites specifically around certain keywords just to rank high.
Always remember, you have to be persistent, I have been fighting some keyword battles for over four or five years! For really profitable keywords, it can be a constant struggle to remain on the first page, but the trick is not to give up, just keep fighting away at your competitors. Persistence usually pays off in the end and those profitable keywords will have your links in the top spot. Make ranking high for those profitable keywords your number one marketing strategy. Concentrate all your marketing efforts towards getting plenty of quality traffic for those keywords and you will succeed online.
Profitable keywords are the ones where the searcher is in the right "mind-set" or frame of mind to buy what they're searching for on the web. Tailor your marketing online to target these profitable keywords and it can spell success.
So what's the whole process for finding or choosing profitable keywords to use in your marketing? Lets look at some ways to proceed...
Number of Keyword Searches?
You need to find out how many searches are made for your chosen keywords each month. Simply use WordTracker or a site like SEOBook. These will give you a preliminary number of searches made each month for your keyword. Highly popular, well-searched keywords with hundreds of thousands of searches each month will be extremely hard to rank for because you will have stiff competition from major companies with limitless resources.
I like to pick less popular keywords that get only a couple of hundred of searches each day because my chances of getting on the first page greatly increases. But don't get fixated on the number of searches, some keyword phrases that only get four or five searches daily, can still be very profitable.
For serious keyword research in a particular niche market I like to use Brad Callen's Keyword Elite which is professionally designed software that makes all your keyword research so much easier. But there are plenty of free keyword tools you can use. One handy keyword tool is Google Adwords external suggestion tool which will help you find valuable keywords
By Titus Hoskins
April 24, 2009
You can Earn Money by Blogging with Pay per Post
Indeed this is true. If the first outburst of blogging in the Internet was introduced for hobbyists, now, you can enjoy doing it, while earning thousands of dollars.
Yes, truly and surely, you can make money blogging. Realistically, the most you can make is a few hundred dollars a month that cannot be found on trees or scoffed at. Nowadays, the Blogosphere, a social network of bloggers, have provided more options and ways wherein you can maximize your earning potential by blogging.
Well Let me Introduce you to Pay Per Post - This blog ads website will give you money by posting about the sponsors that advertise in Pay Per Post. You can write a review about the product in your blogs and then the advertiser will pay you with amount of money. The advertisers will create opportunities by describing the content they are looking for (e.g. feedback, reviews, creative, video). The bloggers that approved by them then choose the opportunities that available for them.
In Pay per post you have the opportunity to negotiate directly with the advertiser, this options is called Pay Per Post Direct, if you want to take this opportunity then you have to insert some code in your blogs. After this code inserted in your blogs it will displays a small widgets that tells the advertisers that you are open for them. The Advertisers then will contact you and you can begin have negotiatiate with them about the price.
But don’t get you carried away with this options because you have a chance to dissappoint your loyal readers beacuse you are being paid by following the advertisers criteria, that means you can lose some off your traffic. But if you are sure that your loyal readers is understand that you are posting about the product and information in your blogs and not getting them bothered about it surely you can take this advantage to doubled your income offcourse.
If you feel that writing is not your area interest you can still refer some one about Pay Per Post tell them that Pay Per Post exist so they can sign up too and you will earn money by just doing nothing. To have this options all you need to do is just insert some code in your blogs, that will displays banners about pay per post you so everyone will know about the programs and sign up for it.
As the blogosphere develops, evolves and takes with it lots of internet users, so as earning opportunities increase by blogging. Just think, you will enjoy blogging as a hobby and earn in the outset, too!
April 22, 2009
Basic Steps To Make Money Online
Lets start with the step
1. What products should i sell? This called Finding A Niche Markets .
Find what our costumers wants to buy , do not sell products that we want to. We are serving the costumer needs not our needs. First we can make a note a list of keywords and then we can use many kind of Keyword Research tool that available. From the articles i read i learn that the best products is the higher demand value then a supply available.
2. Find and get the products.
Now we know what to sell. It’s time to find a good supplier for our niche market. Find a good and reliable supplier with a good supports. Maybe it will cost you more but you can be sure you’ll get the products in time and as describe. and bookmark their website you might want to buy from them again.
3. Choose a web hosting and Build a Web Site
Of course we need a place to promote our products on the net. The best place to promote our products online is making our own website , first we need to look for a web hosting company that can gives us enough bandwidth, email accounts, and reliable support. Next we can use free CMS script available on the net to make our site easily. We can use an ecommerce store style or general website like blogs. Try to do it yourself in the first time learning by doing it is the best teacher for us. But if we need more complex scripts we can use many of freelance site to hire programmers to build it according to our needs.
4. Promote our Website
Once we have our website online we can start to promote our online store to bring traffic that hopefully can bring us more sales. We should learn more about SEO and simillar stuff related too , so we can bring a lot of traffc to our website
Like i said before learning by doing it is the best teacher for us. I mean learn from our experience on making money online find out the niche that can realy make us profits.
For you information here is a website where we can read online guide to popular web hosts Called Web Hosting Bluebook. We’ll find a list of the 10 Best Hosts as reviewed by consumers and experienced webmasters. The web hosts are ranked by price, reliability, popularity, features, control panel, overall ease of use and support.
They also have a live chat support and an active forums that talks about general web Hosting Discussion. Visit their site here
April 21, 2009
10 Traffic Tips For Your Blog
These are tips specifically for new bloggers, those people who have next-to-no audience at the moment and want to get the ball rolling.
It helps if you work on this list from top to bottom as each technique builds on the previous step to help you create momentum. Eventually once you establish enough momentum you gain what is called “traction”, which is a large enough audience base (about 500 readers a day is good) that you no longer have to work too hard on finding new readers. Instead your current loyal readers do the work for you through word of mouth.Top 10 Tips
10. Write at least five major “pillar” articles. A pillar article is usually a tutorial style article aimed to teach your audience something. Generally they are longer than 500 words and have lots of very practical tips or advice. This article you are currently reading could be considered a pillar article since it is very practical and a good “how-to” lesson. This style of article has long term appeal, stays current (it isn’t news or time dependent) and offers real value and insight. The more pillars you have on your blog the better.
9. Write one new blog post per day minimum. Not every post has to be a pillar, but you should work on getting those five pillars done at the same time as you keep your blog fresh with a daily news or short article style post. The important thing here is to demonstrate to first time visitors that your blog is updated all the time so they feel that if they come back tomorrow they will likely find something new. This causes them to bookmark your site or subscribe to your blog feed.
You don’t have to produce one post per day all the time but it is important you do when your blog is brand new. Once you get traction you still need to keep the fresh content coming but your loyal audience will be more forgiving if you slow down to a few per week instead. The first few months are critical so the more content you can produce at this time the better.
8. Use a proper domain name. If you are serious about blogging be serious about what you call your blog. In order for people to easily spread the word about your blog you need an easily rememberable domain name. People often talk about blogs they like when they are speaking to friends in the real world (that’s the offline world, you remember that place right?) so you need to make it easy for them to spread the word and pass on your URL. Try and get a .com if you can and focus on small easy to remember domains rather than worry about having the correct keywords (of course if you can get great keywords and easy to remember then you’ve done a good job!).
7. Start commenting on other blogs. Once you have your pillar articles and your daily fresh smaller articles your blog is ready to be exposed to the world. One of the best ways to find the right type of reader for your blog is to comment on other people’s blogs. You should aim to comment on blogs focused on a similar niche topic to yours since the readers there will be more likely to be interested in your blog.
Most blog commenting systems allow you to have your name/title linked to your blog when you leave a comment. This is how people find your blog. If you are a prolific commentor and always have something valuable to say then people will be interested to read more of your work and hence click through to visit your blog.
6. Trackback and link to other blogs in your blog posts. A trackback is sort of like a blog conversation. When you write a new article to your blog and it links or references another blogger’s article you can do a trackback to their entry. What this does is leave a truncated summary of your blog post on their blog entry - it’s sort of like your blog telling someone else’s blog that you wrote an article mentioning them. Trackbacks often appear like comments.
This is a good technique because like leaving comments a trackback leaves a link from another blog back to yours for readers to follow, but it also does something very important - it gets the attention of another blogger. The other blogger will come and read your post eager to see what you wrote about them. They may then become a loyal reader of yours or at least monitor you and if you are lucky some time down the road they may do a post linking to your blog bringing in more new readers.
5. Encourage comments on your own blog. One of the most powerful ways to convince someone to become a loyal reader is to show there are other loyal readers already following your work. If they see people commenting on your blog then they infer that your content must be good since you have readers so they should stick around and see what all the fuss is about. To encourage comments you can simply pose a question in a blog post. Be sure to always respond to comments as well so you can keep the conversation going.
4. Submit your latest pillar article to a blog carnival. A blog carnival is a post in a blog that summarizes a collection of articles from many different blogs on a specific topic. The idea is to collect some of the best content on a topic in a given week. Often many other blogs link back to a carnival host and as such the people that have articles featured in the carnival enjoy a spike in new readers.
To find the right blog carnival for your blog, do a search at
3. Submit your blog to To be honest this tip is not going to bring in a flood of new readers but it’s so easy to do and only takes five minutes so it’s worth the effort. Go to Blog Top Sites, find the appropriate category for your blog and submit it. You have to copy and paste a couple of lines of code on to your blog so you can rank and then sit back and watch the traffic come in. You will probably only get 1-10 incoming readers per day with this technique but over time it can build up as you climb the rankings. It all helps!
2. Submit your articles to This is another tip that doesn’t bring in hundreds of new visitors immediately (although it can if you keep doing it) but it’s worthwhile because you simply leverage what you already have - your pillar articles. Once a week or so take one of your pillar articles and submit it to Ezine Articles. Your article then becomes available to other people who can republish your article on their website or in their newsletter.
How you benefit is through what is called your “Resource Box”. You create your own resource box which is like a signature file where you include one to two sentences and link back to your website (or blog in this case). Anyone who publishes your article has to include your resource box so you get incoming links. If someone with a large newsletter publishes your article you can get a lot of new readers at once.
1. Write more pillar articles. Everything you do above will help you to find blog readers however all of the techniques I’ve listed only work when you have strong pillars in place. Without them if you do everything above you may bring in readers but they won’t stay or bother to come back. Aim for one solid pillar article per week and by the end of the year you will have a database of over 50 fantastic feature articles that will work hard for you to bring in more and more readers.